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上傳作品照片 Upload Your Photo
※ 照片限上傳2MB以內,JPG格式,讓你呈現最美的慢舞姿勢
  Photo should be jpg image and not exceed 2MB per image
相片上傳 Upload Your Photo:
Maximum Width/Height in pixels: 1024 x 768
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  1. 參賽作品須為原創性攝影作品,未使用相機功能以外之電腦合成技術,未參加任何公開比賽或展出。如涉及著作權之侵權及不法行為,概由參賽者自行負責,並取消得獎資格。
    The work should be the entrant’s original photography work, not generated or mixed or altered with any computer or camera effects. By entering the Competition, entrant represents, acknowledges, and warrants that the submitted image is an original work created solely by the entrant, that the photograph does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim, or interest in the photograph. Entrant’s rights will be terminated if the alternative occurs. TAF accept no liability in respect of the failure of the above.
  2. 請勿張貼與本活動主題無關之內容,請勿上傳有侵權之嫌的圖檔,並請與主辦單位一同尊重「智慧財產權」,勿使用及抄襲他人之投稿。如發現以上情節之投稿,本網站管理者有權直接刪除該作品,不另行通知。若有第三人對作品之適法性(如著作權肖像權)提出異議,並經查明屬實者,主辦單位除取消得獎資格並追繳獎品或贈品外,其違反著作權之法律責任由參加者自行負責,並承擔主辦單位之一切損失,主辦單位不負任何法律責任。
    The entrants will lose entitlement to take part in this Competition if the entries are irrelevant or illegal images. Site supervisor will eliminate the violated work without further notification. If the legitimacy of entry as copyright for instance is challenged by the third party and proved to be questionable. TAF would disqualify the entry and recover its prize or presents. The entrant will take all liability in respect of the violation of copyright and cover all the damage of TAF accordingly if there is any.
  3. 不得以不當方式爭取或阻止他人獲得活動競賽之獎項,例如:以惡意電腦程式影響投票系統,不當累積票數,或其他惡意目的之行為等。若經發現違規者,主辦單位有權取消其得獎資格,並追還獎品,獎位不遞補。
    Any malevolent ways to win or stop people to win the competition such as invading the voting system with information technology, having more votes improperly or any other malevolence is not tolerated. TAF has right to disqualify the violator and recall the prize or presents. The vacant position will not be filled.
  4. 參賽作品之照片或文字內容不得基於攻擊、傷害他人或其他惡意的目的,以及其他有害問題內容等;參賽作品之照片或文字內容不得基於商業或廣告目的,例如:張貼廣告、推銷產品等;參賽作品之照片或文字內容不得有涉及誹謗或違反其他法令之情事;參賽作品不得有妨害善良風俗之情形,一經發現上述情形主辦單位有權取消得獎資格,並追還獎品。若導致主辦單位形象損害應付賠償責任。
    The entries must not be obscene, offensive or defamatory of any person or otherwise illegal. The image and words of entry cannot be related to commercial or advertising purpose, for instance, advertisement posting or product information. The rights of entrants will be terminated and the loss of TAF will be claimed if the alternative occurs.
  5. 所有參賽作品之著作人格權屬創作者,惟主辦單位可運用相關創作元素於非營利性質之傳播與行銷用途,得獎確立之前創作人可保有完整著作權益。
    The moral rights of every entry belong to individual creator. All the rights and interests are reserved to the creators until they win the competition. TAF is allowed to use parts of entries as non-profit promotion and marketing purposes.
  6. 得獎作品之智慧財產使用權於得獎確立後即視同轉移主辦單位所有,得獎人可保有著作人格權。得獎作品之文字內容,主辦、承辦單位有權於媒體(含網路電子媒體)發表、出版,且編輯人員基於版面編排需要,有權斟酌刪減文稿字數,並不另支稿酬。
    By entering the Competition, entrant grants TAF a royalty-free license to republish the rewarded works in any format, including without limitation print and electronic format, and the photographer’ name will be indicated.
  7. 依中華民國稅法規定,獎項金額若超過新台幣$1,000,獎項所得將列入個人年度綜合所得稅申報,故得獎人需依規定填寫並繳交相關收據方可領獎;若贈品所得總額超過NT$20,000,需另繳納10%稅額。若不願意配合,則視為自動棄權,不具得獎資格。
    In compliance with law of tax in Republic of China, one has to include the prize in his consolidated income tax once he wins the amount of money of prize over than NT$ 1,000. Winners cannot claim the prize without filling in an official receipt. If the amount of money is over NT$20,000, the winner has to pay 10% of it as tax. Any winner refuses to cooperate with this will be deemed to waive his rights.
  8. 主辦單位僅會以網站公告、電子郵件、手機簡訊三種方式通知中獎訊息,請活動參與者密切注意網站公告。公告後二週內若未確認得獎資格,視同放棄格。
    TAF will declare the winner announcement via three ways: official competition website, e-mail and text messages. Please pay attention to our website in particular. Any winner does not claim his prize in two weeks will be deemed to waive his rights.
  9. 主承辦單位之員工不得參與本活動。
    Employees of the presenter and the organizers are not eligible to enter this Competition.
  10. 如因不可抗力之特殊原因無法執行時,主辦單位有權決定、取消、中止、修改或暫停本活動。主辦單位保留修改本徵選辦法之權利,同時有權對本活動之一切事宜,包括參加資格、得獎者的資格以及對本活動辦法及活動注意事項作出解釋或裁決。若投稿作品不符合主辦單位需求,主辦單位保留更改各獎項名額之權利。
    TAF reserves the right to suspend, terminate or modify this competition under unexpected circumstances. TAF reserves the right to verify the validity and originality of any entry and/or entrant (including an entrant's identity and address) and to disqualify any entrant who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these rules or who tampers with the entry process. Failure by TAF to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
  11. 請詳閱以上活動辦法,一旦投稿參與本次比賽,則視同同意本辦法之相關規定與主辦單位另行公佈之附屬規定。
    Please read the rules carefully. By entering the Competition, entrants are deemed to agree with the rules of Competition and other related notifications.